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Friday, December 16, 2005

For bloggers of all ages

It's simple, in name and mission: And it's about blogging smarts on the personal, online-journal (as opposed to the news) side of the blogosphere.
Created by Larry Magid of with help from NetFamilyNews, BlogSafety offers advice on safe blogging for teens and their parents, teachers, and other caregivers.

But it's not just about online safety. Larry wants young bloggers to think about the implications of public blogging for applying to schools and seeking jobs in the future, as well as maintaining good relationships (at home and beyond) right now. What people say in the very public space called the Internet is nearly always impossible to take back. There's also the school part of the blogging scene, so check out the Teachers' page. The site welcomes your views and recommendations - go to its blog (click on "comments" under any post) or email anytime at


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