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Thursday, February 22, 2007

Teens' communication tools: Study

I have two take-aways from the latest Harris Interactive study, "Communication Rules": 1) Social sites, IM, and cellphones are tools integral to teens' socializing, not add-ons, and 2) Teens generally know when it's appropriate to communicate through devices – which tool is appropriate and when. "When the tone of a communication is serious, such as arguing and breaking up with someone, teens realize that communication tools may not be the best avenue of discussion," the study press release says. Other findings include:

  • 67% of teens 13-18 "would not break up with someone" and 42% would not argue with a friend over phones, email, instant messaging, text messaging, or social networking sites.
  • "When choosing a communication tool, teens will most likely choose to use cellphones and landline phones to talk to a friend about something serious or important (phone 34%, landline phone 23%); apologize to a friend (cellphone 22%, landline phone 20%); or break up with someone (cell phone 14%, landline phone 9%)."
  • "If teens want to … have more time to think about what they have to say, they're more likely to use instant messaging … over cellphone, text messaging, or social-networking sites," though cellphones are No. 1 for arranging to meet with friends, having quick conversations, contacting a friend when bored, and inviting people to a party or event."

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