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Thursday, December 14, 2006

'Trust with verification'

That's the parenting approach PC World writer and licensed family therapist Steve Bass recommends to his friends, along with monitoring software. The friend he leads his article with has five kids 16 and under. "You've probably guessed I abhor programs that spy on users - but Mom and Dad really need to know what's cooking online," Steve writes (though, ideally, we don't need spyware to know that). "Philosophically, though, I'm okay with watching what people do on their PC provided they're fully aware that it's happening." I tell parents that too. If you're concerned, you're not getting the picture directly from your kids, and you have to use monitoring software, be up front with them about it, if possible – because if you monitor secretly, how much harder is it to work together *after* you've found them doing something inappropriate and have to confront them with it? Readers, how about you – what's your approach to protecting your online kids? Email me anytime. [BTW, Steve goes on to explain in the article how his monitoring program of choice works – check it out.]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

FWIW, I've had lots of e-mail after posting that blog. Parents wrote feeling better about doing it and a few people were unhappy that their employers were watching them.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Anne said...

Thanks for your comment, Steve. I'm not surprised you've heard from a lot of parents. I have too when I've written about monitoring. I'm kind of surprised at the angst many parents seem to have about checking up on their kids' blogs and profiles - like these totally public musings are in a private diary or something. I keep being surprised that parents aren't making the distinction. Anyway, happy holidays!

1:39 PM  

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