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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Net-ed course for families on the Web

What a logical place for parents to learn about kids' Net use: in cyberspace! Winn Schwartau - dad, computer-security expert, and author of "Internet & Computer Ethics for Kids" - is teaching a course about "what kids are capable of and what they are doing when parents and teachers aren't monitoring their computer use," as his company's press release describes it. It's as if he timed the unveiling to the findings about parental monitoring announced this week by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children and Cox Communications (already picked up by China's official news service, Xinhua). The $3, one-hour online course and quiz are based on Winn's book (see my review back in 2001) and is part of a series of courses for better PC-security awareness (including virus protection, email safety, and ID theft). The $3 is per individual, with "deep discounts" for schools (works for grades 7-12 as well as for families). Here's the course and the Security Awareness blog.


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