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Friday, March 11, 2005

'Chanslash': The other Net porn kids access

"Chanslash" is probably not a word in most parents' vocabularies. But because of all the young Harry Potter fans out there - and how easily one mom and fanfiction writer says they can access chanslash in their search for ever-more Harry Potter material - it probably should be. "Beth" in Texas is the mom I'm referring to (she asked me to use a different name in deference to the fanfiction community). She emailed me about chanslash the other day. She loves writing historical fiction, as well as "fanfic" stories about Tolkien-esque elves, so there is nothing negative here about the genre or even erotica ("I'm no prude," she said), just about two things:

1. Its accessibility to children (responsible sites sometimes warn about adult-only content, but that's about the highest barrier anyone encounters, except for an occasional unenforceable requirement that registrants be 13 or 18)
2. The fact that, when they come upon sexually explicit material, they're often encouraged to read more and to try their hand at it.

For more on this phenomenon, please click to my newsletter this week.


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